This is the LOG of a MARINE

Friday, April 07, 2006

Gone Dark

Just wanted to let everyone know that email services are currently not possible from my location, but I'm fine (OK, this probably only affects my immediate family, as they are the only ones who are in email contact with me, but I did not want them to worry, and this is the only way I can easily let them know that the lapse in communications on my part is simply routine procedure or something on the Marine Corps' part).

I'd like to thank my folks for the package they sent, particularly my Mom for her special baked contribution. I'd also like to thank Jim & Dana for their very special gift--Guys, I am overwhelmed by your generosity, you can believe that I will put this to immediate use--it will really help Sheryl and Joshua identify with me and understand my life here. Perhaps you just reduced the length of my blogs, too, which minimizes the travail of those who endure this site--as one picture is worth (and hopefully will replace) a thousand words. Of course, this is problematic, as I'd like it to be MY 1,000 words that you "see," who knows what 1,000 words you will see if I don't attach a commentary....?

Semper Fi, Jon G.


Blogger JarHedJon said...

Sandy: Thanks for thinking of me, taking the time to post (twice), and for your prayers. Take your time with the package, I think I'm already at max caloric intake... Hopefully the word will come out as to when I'll actually be promoted (so far I've only been selected, which makes the actual promotion a certainty, though the actual date the promotion is effective is still up in the air).
Semper Fi, Jon G.

11:14 AM  

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