This is the LOG of a MARINE

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Geese, Package, Plans...

It’s been a while (about six months, I guess) since I featured the goslings on my blog. Well, those same goslings are all grown up (the 11 that made it out of ‘infancy’) and are living in one big happy gaggle in the same pond. I don’t know when geese parents become empty nesters, but apparently that time has not yet arrived.

I’d like to thank Rani, Kristin & Emma for the awesome package. The pre-unwrapped peanut butter cups made it just fine in liquid form, and are now in the fridge awaiting consumption. The sunflower seeds are already being put to good use, trail mix, candied cashews and peanuts, and a couple of boxes of my favorite toothpaste (Arm & Hammer baking soda with peroxide). I am so excited, really, to get the toothpaste—I’ve been using some other name brand readily available here that just doesn’t taste right. I’m really hooked on the Arm & Hammer stuff. I also received a snail mail postcard from Judy, and moto mails from John F. and my Dad. Thanks for taking time to write!

A question John F. asked in his moto mail might also be on some of your minds: “What are my plans after July, 2007?” I’ll list my options, as I see them, in order of preference (most preferred to least preferred): I am able to find a three year NON-DEPLOYABLE billet in the Active Corps at Camp Pendleton, and I am able to convince the command that ‘owns’ that billet that I am the man for the job; Sheryl is able to pursue her full time job aspirations, I stay in the Active Reserve (with the first right of refusal to any orders that come my way due to the more than 5 years I will have just completed on Involuntary Mobilization Orders) and become a stay-at-home Dad; there is some DoD contractor or company that manages DoD contracts in the Southern California area that needs my particular skill set, qualifications or credentials, and they hire me; I make a clean break with my recent past and pursue an opportunity in a totally different realm utilizing my English degree (writing, journalism, teaching). As you can see, my intent is to remain (with a minimum of travel) in the Southern California area for the foreseeable future, and stay engaged with the communities to which we are already committed.

Semper Fi, Jon G.


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