This is the LOG of a MARINE

Sunday, August 26, 2007


Thanks for your prayers, my ankle is slowly getting better. The las week I was working the night shift (1800 to 0600) for an exercise, so I was able to take it pretty easy (the night shift is a lot lower profile than the day shift, so I was able to keep my booted foot elevated on my desk most of the time without drawing too many negative comments). I plan to see a doc early this week, so I can get an official prognosis regarding the way ahead. In the meantime, I've tried to post a picture of me with four of the fifteen or so folks from our church who are preparing to run the Chicago Marathon, but run into technical difficulties...

Semper Fi, JarHedJon

Friday, August 24, 2007

Training Injury

Well, Folks:
Last Saturday the training schedule (for beginners) called for a 16 mile distance, which was not easy, but training with friends makes it considerably easier. The rest of Saturday, I was moving pretty slow, but no major concerns. Sunday when I woke up, however, I discovered my right ankle was swollen and sore, and it felt very much like it was badly sprained. I have not been training this week, and am instead, when I need to perambulate, very gingerly and slowly covering the necessary ground. Additionally, I am working at keeping my right foot elevated and iced whenever possible.
I am pretty discouraged as a result of this set back, but am still committed to the marathon, even if I have to walk it. I'd appreciate your prayers for healing and strengthening, as I'd prefer to run the marathon with the folks from my church that I've been training with. Thanks.

Semper Fi, JarHedJon

Friday, August 17, 2007

1st Marathon Approaching...

Greetings, y'All:

I apologize for my silence yea these last fifty plus days. For the month of July, please follow the link to Sheryl's blog on the left for updates. During August I've been entrenched in the Marine Corps Planning Process, including working the night shift recently in a 24-hr-a-day 14 day exercise.

I feel very cared for and supported by my family and friends, so please think of this as an opportunity, not a request or a plea. I am training for the Chicago Marathon on October 7th, through which I pray that the lives of rural Malawians will be changed for God's glory. Thanks to some who have already given to this cause--if you were thinking of my birthday on the 17th and don't know what to get me, please consider sponsoring me in the marathon attempt. My pastor, who will also be running in the marathon with other members of our church for the same reason, has written a very glowing endorsement (so glowing, in fact, that I'm humbled by it: really, I did not pay him to say these things), which you can see here: http://bolsinger.blogs.com/.
Click on this link to access my World Vision Y-Malawi sponsor site: http://www.firstgiving.com/jarhedjon, or follow this link to see a short video about Team World Vision: http://youtube.com/watch?v=ouMsZIwOkag. This site will tell you more about Y-Malawi: http://www.y-malawi.com/. Thanks, all of you, for all the things you already are involved in regarding your immediate circle, your community, and your world.

Semper Fi, JarHedJon