This is the LOG of a MARINE

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Deployment Ends!

I'm Back! I'll have to find a new title for this blog, as I'm no longer deployed in support of OIF. To tell you the truth, however, finding a new title for my blog is the least of my worries. I'll need to connect with Sheryl and Joshua after being absent from their lives for a year. Anyway, I'll keep y'all posted in how things unfold over the next four months, as I finish out my orders and weigh options for the future. It's great to be back home.

Semper Fi,


Blogger Unknown said...

Wahoo and welcome home.


8:43 PM  
Blogger JarHedJon said...

Tod: Thanks. I believe in leadership by example, and this has been really modeled by the church staff (you included) as you have supported Sheryl and Joshua as well as me during this past year. I think this is one of the key ways God has blessed our church--committed leadership. Just think, SCPC is actually modeling servant leadership such that the United States Marine Corps, an organization that prides itself on leadership, is left in the dust! I know that God will continue to recieve the glory in this...

Semper Fi, JarHedJon

10:25 PM  

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