This is the LOG of a MARINE

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I'm Back--Pray for Joshua

First, I should 're-open' my postings by assuring everyone that I had a great time at home. Sheryl has posted a few entries on her blog related to my R&R, if you want to follow the link to her blog under the 'links' section on the left.
I'm back, and about two days ealier than I expected. Travel to Theatre was about the minimum that could be expected, I left Orange County at 0730 on the 22nd, and arrived back on Post about 0230 on the 25th. I was able to call Sheryl twice on the way, connecting with her once, and leaving a messsage the 2nd time.
Sheryl informed me that Joshua is very angry at me for walking out of his life (again), and I can't blame him for that. However, please pray that Joshua will be able to process my leaving and continued absence in a way that is healthy, strengthens us as a family, and allows him to 'move on.' I find it very difficult to make sense of why I'm here sometimes--not operationally, of course, but based on my personal priorities. If it's confusing (and painful) for me sometimes, I know it must be signigicantly more so, and of greater impact, to Joshua and his perception of things. Thank for your support in this.

Semper Fi, Jon G.


Blogger JarHedJon said...

Ken: Thanks for posting. I REALLY appreciate all you've done to support me and my family during this deployment, and Joshua HAS DEFINITELY enjoyed his time with your family. Both Sheryl & I were missionary kids and grew up attending boarding schools at a very young age (about Joshua's age, actually), and know the short term and long term impact of separation from family members--we 'know' a little more that our parents did, I think, regarding the relational and emotional aspects--but hopefully the 'scarring' can be minimized.
Thanks again, Ken, for your involvement in our lives.
Semper Fi, Jon G.

6:50 PM  

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