This is the LOG of a MARINE

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Hard at Work

Everything that everyone has told me about how much work it is to find work was right on the money. Additionally, one of my preplanned options, that of working in an IMA billet, has fallen through, so that caused some scrambling--as I will stop recieving paychecks from the Corps in less than 30 days.
However, God is good, and I've been able to coordinate a billet in an SMCR billet that will be flexible for the remaining three months of the FY, giving me the opportunity to keep a paycheck coming--as well as the potential for work in the new FY, even though it may involve some travel (and separation from my family for short periods).
Meanwhile, of course, I have been steadily applying for jobs, most of them government related (as this community offers the most direct application of some of my skill sets), and all of them within a commute distance, though some are at the extreme range of what I would consider a comfort zone (I would not necessarily choose to commute more than an hour one way for a very long period of time).
I've made a decision, after discussion with my family (of course), to volunteer in support of the Junior High leadership team at our church, I'm really looking forward to this opportunity in many ways. Again, thanks for your prayers and support in all of this!

Semper Fi, JarHedJon